

How it all began

We have never been healthier, and we thank Our God for that!

However, this has not always been the case, especially for Summer. For over a decade Summer went through one health challenge/crisis after another.

While living in East Africa for 10 years and following the birth of our second child, Summer’s health started to deteriorate. It started with autoimmune thyroiditis followed by reoccurring gut infections due to parasites and tropical disease. Chronic illness became a mainstay.

Looking for answers

Her health required more

Standardized Medicine Had Little to no Answers.

Overprescribed medications and surgeries just led to serious, life-threatening side effects.  When infections cleared up, and Summer’s thyroid was “deemed” stable, deep extensive damage had been done, but modern medicine either gave us no answers or chalked it up to anxiety.

Over time, we would discover a brain tumor/cyst pre-cancerous indicators and an immunodeficiency. This began a deeper search outside of standardized medicine. Desperate for answers we prayed, for it seemed all we had was a pile of debt and little to no healing.

…there had to be a better way, a more natural, gentle road to healing.
Zane McCourtney
Co-Founder, Therapeuo

Finding health

We Were Organic Farmers…

A turnaround came when we were introduced to whole-food cellular nutrition developed by leading-edge scientists who do not stray from nature’s blueprint. We were organic farmers and later owned a raw milk dairy—we knew how important what we put in our bodies was for our health! And healing occurred gradually. In time, Summer’s health began to take a turn for the better.

We were also introduced to a frequency emitting device that harmlessly eliminated pathogens without the side effects we were accustomed to. A practitioner guided us to a new way, and together with whole food supplements, there was a difference. We saw healing results we had never experienced before!

Serving as an electro-antibiotic, we had a solution that did not damage gut health. This would also be an answer to ongoing parasite infection. Pulse electromagnetic frequency was used with a similar effect along with subtle energetic therapies. Scans were done that divulged as much, if not more, on what was happening internally than we had seen with expensive blood workups.

We were getting a root cause education and finding natural solutions ourselves with these tools! What a combination. We rejoice in the wisdom that was needed to heal the body in accordance with how we were created.

Our Name


Coming through these trials made us both more compassionate and empathetic. We felt the Lord leading us to help others heal. Our heart is to serve the entire person: body, soul, and spirit. We are determined to be a part of ending chronic disease and demonstrate a natural way to support the body in its own healing ability. We truly are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” The Greek Biblical word, “therapeuo” expresses our hearts’ desire as it means: “to serve, to give help, to take care for another to bring healing.”  

“I’m healing out of my distress.”

“Thank you so VERY much for caring for me and blessing me and helping me heal out of my distress! Praise Jesus for the wonderful ways He worked through you. May the Lord continue to bless the work of your hands and hearts as you love and serve the hurting.”
– Heather

“I don’t feel all the aches & pains”

“First and foremost I just wanted to tell you how amazing I feel. I was telling my friends the last couple of days I just can’t believe how I wake up and don’t feel all the aches and pains.”
– Christine

“A major improve-ment in our health”

“My daughter used to have hives all over her body, scratching her itchy skin until it would bleed. She hasn’t had those hives since our last visit. We’re praising the Lord for that! We definitely feel a major improvement in our overall health! We thank Him for you often.”
– Yoshi